We are a well-established beauty salon which is known for providing high level service, premium products and attention to detail to all our clients’ beauty requirements and needs.
Ph: (01) 202 3030

Cabinteely Gas & Drain Detectives
This company is one of Johnstown’s local sponsors for the Cabinteely Mini-World Cup in Kilbogget Park (this year from Tuesday 2nd to Saturday 13th of June) and they have an offer for local CADRA community members.
They are offering a 15% discount on a Gas Boiler Service of €59.00 for Mini-World Cup attendees when they quote the code “CMWCD” on calling them. However, as a further mark of support and solidarity for the business that the local community has generated for them over the years, they would also like to extend a further 10% for subscribed members of the CADRA which can be availed of by quoting “CADRAD”. Thus Quoting both the codes “CMWCD” and “CADRAD” will allow the local community achieve a 25% savings on a Gas Boiler Service which would equate to a cost of €44.25.
Aaron Keogh & Yvonne Keogh
CGHP and DRAIN DETECTIVES Cabinteely MWC Brochure Advertisement
Ph: 087 282 2283
Email: aa*********@cg**.ie or yv**********@dr*************.ie
Web: www.cghp.ie